Cashmere Wrap & Macadamia Nuts

On Fashion, Travel and Lifestyle.

Tag: slowlife

LifeStyle Mix. March.

In March we lived day by day, trying to learn how to accept this new kind of uncertainty. Uncertainty concerning safety, personal freedom and peace. At the same time life continued, there were good laughs and happy moments. Once again home became a safe haven, where fears and frustrations were comforted with freshly baked and still warm cake or a cup of coffee made by a loving hand. The anxiety is still there, there are many doubts, but at the same time there is gratefulness and perseverance.

Due to a combination of some circumstances March presented a new type of a challenge that I had to face in my own life. In response to an unforeseen situation I need to take a step back and confront issues I tried to ignore for too long. When you hit the metaphorical wall there isn’t much to do, you have to reflect and rethink, listen to others who know better and at the same time try to hear your own voice. Getting back is a process that requires effort and some courage. I hope I am on the right path that will take me there, becoming the best version of myself, wiser and stronger.

For daily updates, please follow @cashmerewrap_and_macadamianuts on Instagram.

How to Hygge?


In Scandinavia “hygge” is a short, but a very meaningful word. Recent publications focusing on the concept as well as a global fascination with the Danish model, where society scores the highest on happiness, made it better known in other parts of the world. What is hygge? Hygge is a state of mind, a blissful comfort and happiness that one derives from being safe, content and surrounded by a pleasant environment. Hygge can be a lazy evening with a good book and a cup of tea in a favourite armchair, hygge is lying in bed and watching a cat sleeping next to you, hygge is a slow evening by the log fire together with a beloved one enjoying a good wine and a relaxed conversation. Does this sound familiar? I certainly hope so, and now you know how to call those moments. They are hygge.

Living in a cold climate, surrounded by darkness and harsh weather, bringing hygge home is the only way to make it through the winter and accumulate enough energy over the summer months. A beginner tool box to hygge could include candles, hot drinks (cocoa among others), woollen blankets, lamps giving soft light, log fire and an invitation to join for family and friends. Hygge can be a social and it can very well be an event to enjoy solo.

Why hygge? Because it brings us close together proving that simple pleasures and slow life have great value. It is going back to basic values – family, home, community, being lazy without the feeling of guilt. I still recall my childhood hygge, when together with my brother we watched how the Saturday cake is baking in the oven, smiling in anticipation of what was to come next – a joyful family evening with a movie, pillows, mismatching blankets and a slice of a warm cake.These moments are so important, because they cement the family, create happy memories and are a remedy to a stressful everydayness. Do try it at home and make hygge your own key word.



Kinfolk is an independent quarterly magazine focusing on lifestyle and embracing a concept of a slow, reflected life. Founded in 2011, it promotes simplicity, community and quality, encouraging social gatherings and creativity. Base for editors is Portland, Oregon, but magazine contributors are located globally, so this publication offers a wide, multicultural perspective.

What I like the most about Kinfolk magazine are wise, personal and intimate articles accompanied by beautiful photo editorials or illustrations. It feels as if every word was selected with great care, so the language is truly elegant and stimulating – very few publications can inspire their readers to speak in a more precise, refined fashion, but this one does so. What I find important is a careful approach to advertising – there are hardly any – which makes it even more special, for contents speak even louder. I would definitely recommend Kinfolk to those who seek intelligent, thought provoking, yet friendly and somehow homely lecture.